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Principal Planner

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$85,000 /yr
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Principal Planner Salaries
How much do Principal Planner earn in Australia? The average salary of Principal Planner is $85,000 in Australia
$85,000 /yr
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Average $85,000
Range $85K - $85K
Last updated April 26 2024
The average pay range for Principal Planner is between $85K and $85K. Salaries vary from a low of $80K up to $90K per year. The average number of Principal Planner roles advertised per month is 19 in Australia between April 2023 and April 2024.
What are the most common skills required to be a Design & Architecture? The most common skills required for a Design & Architecture are:
Architectural Excel Drawings Construction Documents Construction Drawing Architecture Technical TEMS Ning AutoCAD Shop Drawings Drafting Policies iCal Aura Interior Design REST Restaurant RStan Building Design FICA Programming Visit Building Design Discipline Plumbing English Rhino
See all 30 skills

These skills are most commonly found in Design & Architecture job advertisements and position descriptions.

Last updated September 30 2020
Where are Design & Architecture in Hong Kong SAR China sourced from?
Design & Architecture are sourced from
these companies
The University of Hong Kong
Inhabit Group
Design & Architecture are sourced in Hong Kong SAR China are most likely to be sourced from these schools
Last updated April 27 2024