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Technical Service Representative

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$90,000 /yr
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Technical Service Representative Salaries
How much do Technical Service Representative earn in United States? The average salary of Technical Service Representative is $90,000 in United States
$90,000 /yr
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Average $90,000
Range $80K - $90K
Last updated October 06 2023
The average pay range for Technical Service Representative is between $80K and $90K. Salaries vary from a low of $70K up to $110K per year. The average number of Technical Service Representative roles advertised per month is 992 in United States between April 2023 and April 2024.
What are the most common skills required to be a Sales Representatives/Consultants? The most common skills required for a Sales Representatives/Consultants are:
Sales Excel Insurance Coaching Advertising Education Entrepreneurial Training Excel Sales Coaching Compliance Communicating Selling Prospecting Maintenance Payroll Transportation Driving Customer Service Visio Entrepreneurial Healthcare Stress Tolerance Organizing Policies Policies And Procedures Engineering Telecommunications Teaching
See all 30 skills

These skills are most commonly found in Sales Representatives/Consultants job advertisements and position descriptions.

Last updated July 20 2020
Where are Sales in Hong Kong sourced from?
Sales are sourced from
these companies
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) LTD.
Societe Generale Asia Ltd
Standard Chartered Bank (HK) LTD
Sales are sourced in Hong Kong are most likely to be sourced from these schools
HK Polytechnic
Upper Iowa University
Queensland University of Technology
University of Auckland
University of New South Wales
Last updated April 27 2024